No Talking Tuesday # 8
So this is the last no talking tuesday in the Yukatan.
I had a great time travelling for this film,
and hope to post some of the concept and 3d work
im doing for it soon.
I took my super 8 camera and 35mm still camera
and took lots of footage and photos, look out for that
when i get the footage and photos developed.
A record breaking amount of writing this week as you can see.
Unlike the work related communication i write at Pandemic on tuesdays,
I dont have to keep the work i'm doing on the mayaskies project a secret,
so if your interested in how people who work in visual effects or games
talk at work (i dont know why you would be) this records the madness...
The List
Your o.b.j isnt loading in
bodypaint or maya
sup wit dat!?
Maya on your machine?
file then?
an obj for body paint
Room 101
por favor
Not very far. I started with the most un-skewed photo, and im still having to do a ton of correction to every different part of the photo before it matches the scan data.
Ingmar was in the room around 2:30 ish
Judging by how long it took
me to manually register the
straight on photo to the 3d model
it’s going to take me a long
time to register the perspective
heavy photos… how should
I manage my time so as to
still do the crazy bump/
Z-brush pipeline? Am I going
to be able to work tomorrow?
I had to break up the one straight on photo into about 4 chunks and register them separately.
So the more perspective heavy photos are going to need much more massaging.
This is the one I already did
I mean what’s on there now, matches up great
Well the crazy bump pipeline isn’t needed when there is already scan data
It would be allot easier to register textures if the ref photos were taken from farther away
That makes me feel dirty, but ill do it
Also when I get back to the states, I’m still available to work on stuff.
So in the proxy scene for the warrior’s temple, which part should I break off and work on for the test?
Doing the corner/edge will show off more the power of smoothening corners and whatnot, but will also take more time then just a flat brick panel
I don’t think the 3d data matches the photos?
Well in the interest of time ill worry less about matching the carving detail and put more of a procedural stone surface that’s a sort of average of that surface
Probably the pattern was the same, but maybe that’s why I had to do so much tweaking
Did you already eat?
ok let’s go
I talked with Kevin and
the new strategy is to
texture the rest of the
column in a more general
way (which im just about
done with) then move
on to the crazy bump
technique for the proxy
Very slow on my comp
So the middle piece is
correctly registered
so I just need to color match
and project the bottom and
top. Very quick
It’s Muhammad’s
cousin or whatever
It sort of looks like Bulgarian
Order me melon juice
and veggie burrito
I’ve long since gotten off the maya bullshit train… and am not looking to get back on board… I don’t understand why the lower part of the wall is grey in the view-port, and why the uv’s ive laid on the inside faces don’t show up in the render
Having two different textures on one model, to push through the zbrush pipeline is complicated anyhow, it will be enough for me to just focus on working with this one tiling texture on the model currently. Lets worry about the inside faces tomorrow morning.
Well I noticed that the brick texture on the lower wall tiles. So if im going to layout the uv’s on the lower part of the wall so that I can incorporate the texture change on the inside faces, then I should have the wall not tile anymore. But looking at the photos Antonio took, its not clear to me if the entire wall is accounted for, or what order the photos progress down the line. Couple that with my retired maya skills and looming deadline make me think it would be better to just go ahead and feed the lower wall as is through the crazy bump/zbrush pipline im proposing to make sure it works, so that Kevin can have something to look at tomorrow morning. Then when I get back to the states. Give it a more production level treatment.
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