Saturday, May 01, 2010

No Talking Tuesday # 133

I made a mistake today. FRIGG.
I was working away, quite in the zone for a number of hours and forgot myself. Standing up from a render I said outloud to my art director:
"Good sign, even my..."
I froze horrified, he swiveled around in his chair and asked innocently "What?" When he saw my wide eyed expression of shock he realized what I had done and was sympathetic. It marks the first time I've made a mistake at this job and it has me pretty cheezed off.

The List:

so this is the stucco shader with the displacement reduced to a third, and re adjusted to look the same as before

no lo rez but with new more efficient displacement map, less overall inflation to get the right texture

instead of displacing 15 units, it's displacing 5

i went in and re adjusted the map itself, yea i'm not sure, i'm still guessing it's cause uv's and super low rez, and harsh angles etc.

also i ran two renders last night one with the displacement at 5 another at 6 I'll toggle and you tell me which you like more

so when i can get mudbox to stop crashing all the time today i think i want to try applying this new stucco to a high rez (but this time not the highest rez) out of mudbox to see if fry can handle that,
also to try to displace the highest rez with the displacement map from the blows up with one, but that's at the highest rez, i'm wondering if the next step down which would only be one forth as high rez would probably look just as good since this shader is going to smooth it out anyway

the bubbly edge stuff is where the edge of the uv's lie wanders a little bit when it's not the low rez so stuff lined up to the uv line in the map etc.

i actually found out that the high rez renders fine with the displacement, but for some reason exaggerates the displacement amount hundreds of times

by rendering the mid rez model

i found the super high rez with the really tiny displacement amount didn't look very good, something about the displacement map isn't as sharp or something, i also found

i tried applying the displacement map i'm using in the shader to the high rez geometry in mudbox and it looked like poo. pooey times.

pretty much. well the mid rez model has all sorts of undulations on it, it's not flat anywhere. it's mid rez geometry with high rez displacement. no.

i did 2 mediums

i wonder if it's less an issue of geometry undulation and more about topology resolution

from what i can gather the displacement behaivor is dependent on model density.

well i'm wondering if i just made a cube and rednered it twice each time with the same shader but one render super hig rez etc.

we can use the high rez but with this shader it's not really that relevant to. also you keep saying puffy, but I'm not so upset with this render all things considered.

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