Wednesday, June 30, 2010

No Talking Tuesday # 141

This Tuesday found me lecturing on a host of artistic/technical articles I prepared as part of a masters class web seminar to teach data driven computer graphics as it pertains to creating full dome films and helping the archeological community. Well that is to say the preceding day I gave a few lectures, on Tuesday I simply handed over my segments to my coworkers to present on my behalf and I instead got lunch ready and stuck around in case anyone wanted to ask me a question in the post session chatrooms we had set up. Speaking of which, when my art director told me of the structure of the "web-inar" and that it included live chat etc. I made a smart ass comment that if we go that rout we will get nothing but chat's from people with screen names like "cowboy69" asking things like "It looks pretty hot in there, maybe you would be more comfortable with your shirt off?" We all had a good laugh, then wouldn't you know it the first question we got in any of our separate chatrooms was in mine, which read "It looks hot in that room?" To which I replied "It's pretty warm, but I'm Persian." And then proceeded to answer another persons legitimate question about 3D data archiving.

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