The List:
Net worth philosophy = poo
b/c of immunities
so i can only loose
money through half
of red = Erin
Erin can loose money
through half of my green
and blue
So we can determine
which would cause each
to loose most over time
It's not about net worth
it's about who would
eventually loose if we
kept playing
Erin has more money
I have more damaging property
Call it a draw?
Hi I came back
for my scarf
You cut it on "a bias"

That's from the
modern library
collection from
about the thirties
but I have another
of his books from
eighteen hundreds
- I get them from
asesome bookstore
in S.F.
That's when they
Second rate
Dickens but
still great
Not fav. but
I love Dickens
I'm not sure
lots of outstanding variables
"Tip slips"?
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