Tuesday, October 07, 2008

No Talking Tuesday # 54

The List:

Hi I’m here to see Avel Hondros
in # 105

Ali Jamalzadeh

You will never believe what just
happened. The evil* story just became
truly epic.

Why would Nick find it especially delightful
and who is this girl you speak of?

Well fwd the emails I sent you in case
they have any words of wisdom for me

I think we're saying the same thing
but I mean c.c. me on them in case
they have any commentary

Would you prefer I wrote “carbon copy” me?


* I actually meant to write “Avel” not “evil”.
Not that it makes any difference.


  1. I fear you are mistaken.

  2. I fear that you are mistaken about him being mistaken.


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